Lecturer: Mr. Gavriel Friesem
Course Description:
A broad introduction to the concepts and fundamental components of plant nutrition, through acquaintance with soil–plant interactions, chemical forms and activity of mineral nutrients, fertilization practices, and calculations for field applications.
Course Objectives:
- To explain the importance of fertilizers for food security and production.
- To give basic knowledge on the biological function of different nutrients.
- To exercise real fertilization planning and application, while considering all the environmental and system limitations.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
- Know the basic history and importance of plant nutrition.
- Be familiar with the major nutrients in fertilization.
- Use fertilizers correctly while adjusting the environment for successful application.
- Read soil tests and fertilizer recommendations and calculate the amount of fertilizer needed in the field.

- Teacher: Gavri Friesem